Accommodation and Modification Checklist

Question: As an Inclusion Facilitator, I am often asked about modifying and accommodating work to meet individual student needs.

Whenever this happens, I immediately ask for samples of student work. Modifying and accommodating for students is so individualized in nature that the A/M section on the student's IEP isn't enough information to tell me what the student needs. The reality is that what works for one student in one class with one set of co-teachers (or one teacher) might not work for another student in the same grade in a different classroom. The IEP is the most individualized document in town and we need to remember the specific student every step of the way.  I look at the following:

  • Student IEP goals
  • Student IEP modifications and accommodations
  • Student strengths
  • General education teacher and learning specialist personalities and teaching style
  • Lesson and unit plans
  • Specific activities
  • Student work

My A/M Checklist was created to make choosing appropriate and successful accommodations and modifications easier for teachers. This can be used across all grades!

Before you dig into it, please remember that this list of accommodations and mods is not complete. If you go through and say, "Hey I want to have a student create a comic strip to show their understanding of matter." Great! Coolio! Do it! Don't let my list limit you. The goal is to give you a place to start. The best part of our job is being creative and being allowed to think outside of the box. There is nothing more satisfying than finding the perfect combination between Common Core standards and student supports. Enjoy this checklist and use it often but don't ever let it limit you. 


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