Middle School Norms

Yesterday after school I met with the middle school team in the school library. It was a Thursday- the day the general education lesson plans are due- and everybody was busy. Even so, everyone made the time and commitment to spend what ended up being around an hour of time to talk about the nitty gritty day to day expectations and procedures of co-teaching.

We are five weeks into this school year.

We had already had a co-teaching PD.

Schedules were made for both the general education teachers and learning specialists.

Small group instruction, team teaching, and alternative teaching had already started to take place.

Now was time to reflect on those last five weeks and put some true norms in place. Attached is the chart we made as well as the typed up version given to every middle school teacher. I came up with the norms surrounding IEPs but the team came up with the rest. Honestly, some of these norms are different than what I have done in the past. But that's kind of the point, isn't it? This is our team for this year and our needs are based on our current experiences. Feel free to take a peek and use as much or as little of the chart when creating your own norms. My expectation is that this chart will change and grow throughout the year.

I just received a book with pages upon pages of supports around working as a team so expect more about this topic as the year progresses!


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