
Showing posts from October, 2015

Scheduling and Inclusion: It's all about JUSTIFYING!

Scheduling is a hot button issue right now in Chicago. For most of us, a fully inclusive environment means co-teaching with several teachers and possibly even several grades. Being spread between multiple classrooms and grades is a reality in our profession but it can be frustrating and you can feel pulled in a million directions. Below are a list of five scheduling suggestions and solutions. 1. Create your own schedule (if you can): As a learning specialist, I was lucky enough to have the autonomy to make my own schedule. I would have my case manager look over my finished schedule after I was done creating it to ensure that I was meeting all minutes. I know that most schools aren't like this. Here is my argument for why making your own schedule is THE BEST EVER: It requires learning specialists to really know student minutes I would make a table of each student's minutes. Once I identified the highest number of minutes per grade, I would create a table that