Executive Functioning #4: Organizing Your Binder (or Desk)
Currently at my school, we have a color-coded binder system in place for all students in sixth through eighth grade. Click here for more information on how to set up a system of your own. For some students, this system isn't enough to stay organized. I sympathize because I am the exact same way. Staying organized is a constant struggle for me and having the appropriate materials isn't enough to actually keep me organized. The strategy I am going to show you is called the "material dump" and I should warn you, it is NOT popular with most students. As much as students like the Project Game Plan , they typically dislike the material dump. I think this is a good reminder that struggling with executive functioning is a sensitive issue for many students. Organizing is hard and time consuming and it can be a challenge to be convinced that it's worth it. My steps today include not only how a student can organize their papers but how you as a teacher can deescalate